Nederlands /
The garden. (photos)
First series of photos taken in 2007.
The newer photos have a date.
Front garden
Half April:
red brown leaves are from a Japanese maple
(Aces palmatum). The big trees
are Horse-chestnuts
(Aesculus hippocastamum).
gate is placed back because of the chesnuts. The front garden next to the
street also belongs to the house.
The columnar shrub is a taxus
baccata fastigiata. It’s not necessary to prune often. I think once
in five years.
The tree near the wall with the purple
red leaves is a plum (prunus cerasifera) It’s the cultivar
"Pissardii". (Pissardii was in the 19th century gardener of the
sjah of Persia. This cultivar is caused by accident. After that Pissardii
has cultivated the tree. At the end of March you see pink flowers. It
bears fruit.
The hedge on the right is of Field Maple (Acer campestre). A shrub, tree, which can be
pruned well. Without pruning may be 15 - 25 m in height.
Back garden
Half April:
Dry times are difficult for the lawn. The trees take much water. I water
the lawn, but not too much. In wet
periods the grass will become green again.
The flowering tree in the middle is a very old pear tree. (addition: died and removed in 2014)
The right bush without leaves is a hibiscus. It’s always late.
The big shrub in front of the horse-chestnut is a Deutzia. The end of
May, beginning June it’s in bloom. There are many white flowers. It’s
been growing there for many years.
It is native, as many ornamental bushes, in Japan
Photo mid-April
The left photo is also the left side of the garden. The tree in bloom is a plum.
You can see the little bridge over the pond. The bamboo is in the shade (Also on photos on the page
"winter" and "spring".)
One photo is
taken from the room. The other from
the side of the house. The pink
tree is of course Japanese Cherry (prunus serrulata). It ‘s a cultivar. It gets no fruit. I must prune
it, for else it becomes too large. The
ball on the right photograph is a holly.
(Hex aquifolium). The ball on the photograph from the room Japanese Euonymus.
(Euonymus japonica) More than
thirty years ago I got it in a plant bucket.
Now I’ve divided it in two shrubs, which grow for years in the garden.
The variegated foliage is green now.
If I did not
prune them, they would be much larger.
Side garden
April. Looking from the back-garden, you see the right side. The garden is a
little bit of a jungle. In summer there is much shade of the horse-chestnuts
The little tree without leaves in the middle is a Golden
Chain (Laburnum anagyroides).
The shrub next is a Mock-orange
(Philadelphus) Also
still without leaves. It hasn't got many flowers for there is too much
shade. The bush in front is a forsythia. Left near the house a liguster.
In front of the horse-chesnut the Deutzia.
Behind these
bushes grow holly, Japanese
maple (Aces
palmatum), Snowberry (Symphoricarpos), ferns, honeysuckle, blackberries,
conifers, ivy.
The red glow is from a
plum. But I don’t know which kind. The flower resembles mostly at a Prunus
campanulata. See the photo of the flower.
end May. Taken from about the same place. The Golden Chain
is already out
of flower. Next year I will take a picture. (There is a photo of an other
golden chain at the page “spring”)
The Mock-orange (Philadelphus)
should also
be budding. I prune it every year after flowering.
Now all attention of course goes to
the deutzia in front of the chestnut. In the afternoon there are
many bumble bees in the deutzia. But also other insects likes the shrub.
The deutzia and the Mock-orange both
belong to the Hydrangeaccae and so they are family of the hydrangea. But they likes full sun and well
drained soil.
You can take semi-hardwood cuttings
in summer. Early June it has
finnished flowering. After flowering I thin it by taking away old shoots.
Supplement mid- June. I ‘ve also
added a photo of Mock-orange
Prunus, Japanese maple (Aces palmatum),
plum (Prunus
cerasifera) cultivar "Pissardii",
Japanse Cherry (Prunus
serrulata), spieraea vanhouttei (Muscle shrub), Japanese azalea,
(prunus serotina),
deutzia, Mock-orange
Back garden
28 April from the back-garden. The chestnuts are flowering. The first
flowers whirl already down. Every year I sweep and hope the wind is not in
the direction of the pond.
Front garden
30 April. From the street. The Spieraea vanhouttei (muscle shrub) are in
bloom now. There is to much shade. But
it flowers every year. Behind you see an American wild cherry.
Front garden
This photo has been taken on 7 May. I just had raked
chestnut flowers
The redbrown shrub at the
left is a barberry (Berberis). It is pruned, but it starts to bud now.
To the right: A flowering Japanese azalea. You can prune it, but it is not
really necessary. It remains in beautiful shape. This little brush is
already more than thirty years old.
The purple winter flowers are
of the Erica. These have almost finished flowering and start already to
bud. The azalea stands for the most part in bud. The photo with the
flowers of the azalea is taken a week later. Behind, you see again the
conifers and the Japanese maple.
Dorpsstraat (village
Sunday 20 May. On a sunny day. I have taken a photo from the same spot in
both directions. All flowers of the chestnuts are gone. It is also nice to
compare the photo with the photo, I have taken in winter. On the right
photo are two chestnuts and an oak. To the right in the distance near the cyclists
you see a holly.
Photo 25 May. The Spieraea vanhouttei has left off flowering. On this photo it is hidden behind the chestnut. Now the Black
(Prunus serotina) is in bloom. In Holland it ‘s also called bospest (forestplague)
In the years 1920 it has been planted from America in our forests. But the
tree spreaded too well. That’s why it got its nickname.
are 1 cm in diameter and somewhat bitter to eat. The fruit is readily eaten by
birds. The pip however is poisonous.
Once in five years I have
to prune it.
Bloom time: End May, beginning June. I’ve also taken a photo of the
Back garden summer
View through the kitchen window on the side
April 2009 Flowering prunus
May 2009 Flowering golden chain
Back garden.
Photos end May 2009
The pond. The Bistort
flowers beautiful. But there are to many now. Path in the
garden to the pond. The hydrangea (left) is not blooming.
The pruning of the horse chestnut trees. (13-01-2010)
It was time again to prune the chestnut. That happens when they have dropped their leaves and the sap is not under way. This time January 13 was agreed. It was cold, but that was no problem.
I prune the lower part of the trees. But this I don't dare.
The pruning is done by people of the gardening company Frank Blom. I had to work, but my wife has
taken some photos.
August 2012.
One of our horse chestnuts has become sick.
I have made a report about it. In June he dropped all his leaves. Read
the report here.
Cutting our Cedrus libani 'Glauca' (blue Atlas cedar)
Our blue Atlas cedar has many dead branches and
at the base of the tree a part of the bark is damaged. It gets little space because of the chestnuts along the street. That's why we had
to cut it down. Again by people from the gardening company Frank Blom from
Fortunately, this was easier than the chestnut in 2012.
10 July 2018. |
Garden, house 18 and 16 June 2022
I thought it would be fun to add some new photos of the garden and house to the website. The photos at the top of the page are years old. We still have the
parasol. We bought the middle parasol later. The biggest change in the garden is the Chinese windmill
palm (Trachycarpus fortunei). At first it was in a pot, but has been in the garden for several years now. So far he survives the winters.
Our house has changed somewhat. New dormer window at the front and back, a new sliding door and solar panels on the roof, |
Nederlands /
Subpage Summerflowers: Summer
flowering shrubs.