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Subpage flies:  Tachinidae      Blow-flies (Calliphoridae)      House flies (Muscidae)      Soldierflies (Stratiomyidae)      Root-Maggot Flies (Anthomyiidae)      Small flies      Small flies      Gnats  


To the Dutch website / Naar de Nederlandse website.Nederlands / Dutch

Flies, gnats


Diptera - two-winged. In this order belong all flies (Brachycera) and gnats mosquitoes, crane flies, black flies, midges, long-horned flies (Nematocera). In Dutch only two names Brachycera = vlieg and Nematocera = mug. Much easier  :-) 

The second pair of wings has been changed into halteres at the Diptera (Club shaped organs behind the wings).
Like all insects, the diptera have three pairs of legs. Fly larvae and gnats larvae have a complete metamorphosis (egg - larva - pupa - adult).  

Difference between fly (Brachycera) and gnat,... (Nematocera): Antenna of a fly consists of three segments. The antenna of a gnat consists just like for example the antenna of a wasp of many segments. Sometimes they look like wasps, but they have four wings just like the other insects.

Subpage gnats, ... (Nematocera) :

Crane fly (Ctenophora pectinicornis)... Crane fly (Nephrotoma flavipalpis) The wings are folded.
Ctenophora pectinicornis and Nephrotoma flavipalpis. Family Crane flies (Tipulidae).

More information about gnats (Nematocera) you can find on Subpage gnats

Of some families I have many species. Those families, I've put on a subpage. Of each family is an example on this page. Below is a link to the subpage.
I also created a subpage with families, which consist mainly of small flies. Hover flies are on two separate pages.

Pegomya winthemi. Familie Bloemenvliegen (Anthomyiidae)

Root-Maggot Fly spec.
Family Root-Maggot Flies (Anthomyiidae)  Greek: anthos = flower en myia = fly 

Greenbottle Family Blow-flies (Calliphoridae)

Greenbottle, Lucilia spec Maybe (Lucilia caesar) 
Family Blo
w-fl (Calliphoridae) 
  Subpage: Root-Maggot Flies (Anthomyiidae)     Subpage Blow-flies (Calliphoridae)
Eudasyphora cyanella. Genus Eudayphora. Tribe Muscini. Onderfamilie Muscinae. Familie Echte Vliegen (Muscidae).

Eudasyphora cyanella  
Family House flies (Muscidae) 

Broad Centurion, Green Soldier Fly (Chloromyia formosa)
Family: Soldierflies (Stratiomyidae)

 Subpage House flies (Muscidae)  Subpage Soldierflies (Stratiomyidae)
Tachina fera Subfamily Tachininae. Tribe Tachinini Family: Tachinidae

Tachina fera  / Tachina magnicornis  
Family: Tachinidae
Larvae of  Tachina species parasites on larvae of other insects.

Black scavenger flies or ensign flies (Sepsidae)

Black scavenger flies or ensign flies (Sepsidae)
All families, mainly of very small flies are available on a separate page.

 Subpage Tachinidae  Subpage Families Very small flies


Other families of flies. They are arranged alphabetically.  I have used the scientific (Latin) name.


Roberflies (Asilidae).
Robberflies(Asilidae) are flies, which catch other flies in the same way as  dragonflies  with their forelegs. The short, strong proboscis is used to stab and inject victims with saliva containing neurotoxic and proteolytic enzymes. The fly then sucks the liquefied meal through the proboscis.
All robber flies have stout, spiny legs. They aid in pray capture.
Larvae live in the soil and decaying wood. They also feed on other insects.  

Common Awl Robberfly (Neoitamus cyanurus).Female. Subfamily Asilinae. Family Robberflies (Asilidae)... Common Awl Robberfly (Neoitamus cyanurus). Ffemale. Subfamily Asilinae. Family Robberflies (Asilidae). female Common Awl Robberfly (Neoitamus cyanurus). Male. Subfamily Asilinae. Family Robberflies (Asilidae). male  Common Awl Robberfly (Neoitamus cyanurus). Subfamily Asilinae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae).
This is most common species.  It often occurs in the neighbourhood of oaks. It is already bee found early in spring. 
May - September. Length: 20 - 25 mm.
Photos 8-6-2012, 5-6-2012. 
Dioctria hyalipennis. Subfamily Dioctriinae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae)... Dioctria hyalipennis. Subfamily Dioctriinae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae).. Dioctria hyalipennis. Subfamily Dioctriinae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae). Dioctria hyalipennis. Subfamily Dioctriinae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae).
A Small robberfly. forests and shrubs Characterization: The middle of and forefeet are red, a continuous silver line on the side of the brisket. Length 12 -14 mm. Other  resembling species:
Dioctria rufipes,  Dioctria linearis.    

Robber flies photographed in the dunes about 4 km from our house.

Borstelroofvlieg (Dysmachus trigonus). Onderfamilie Roofvliegen (Asilinae). Familie Roofvliegen (Asilidae). vrouwtje... Borstelroofvlieg (Dysmachus trigonus). Onderfamilie Roofvliegen (Asilinae). Familie Roofvliegen (Asilidae). vrouwtje. Dysmachus trigonus. Subfamily  Asilinae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae). Female. 
Sandy soils. Lots of light brushes on the segments of the abdomen dark triangles. The ovipositor of the female is on the side flattened. April - August. Length 10 -15 mm. Photo 30-6-2013.
Bruinvleugelroofvlieg (Pamponerus germanicus). Onderfamilie Roofvliegen (Asilinae). Familie Roofvliegen (Asilidae).  Pamponerus germanicus. Subfamily Asilinae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae).
A large robber fly. Edges of woods, dunes. Red-brown with dark legs thighs. May - July. Length 17 -21 mm. Photo 26-6-2013.
  Philonicus albiceps. Subfamily Asilinae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae).
Sandy soils, heath, poor grasslands. Ovipositor female is round. Black legs with mostly white bristles and short grey hairs. May - October. Length 12 -20 mm. Photos 24-6-2014.
Vroege zandroofvlieg (Lasiopogon cinctus). Onderfamilie Breedkoproofvliegen (Stichopogoninae). Familie Roofvliegen (Asilidae)... Vroege zandroofvlieg (Lasiopogon cinctus). Onderfamilie Breedkoproofvliegen (Stichopogoninae). Familie Roofvliegen (Asilidae). Lasiopogon cinctus. Subfamily Stichopogoninae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae).
A small robber fly. Forest edges, sandy soils. Black legs.  April - September. Length 7 -11 mm. Photos 3-5-2013, 11-6-2013.
Leptogaster guttiventris. male Subfamily Leptogastrinae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae).  Rare in the Netherlands!! male  Leptogaster guttiventris. female Subfamily Leptogastrinae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae).  Rare in the Netherlands!! female  Leptogaster guttiventris. Subfamily Leptogastrinae. Family Robber flies (Asilidae).   Rare in the Netherlands!!
Very slender robber fly with thin, long abdomen. The first is a male photographed in the greenhouse. The second a female with a spider as prey in the garden. 
There are three similar species, Leptogaster cylindrica and the rare Leptogaster guttiventris and Leptogaster subtilis. At first I thought it was Leptogaster cylindrica, but it turned out to be Leptogaster guttiventris. 
Difference with Leptogaster cylindrica. No dark longitudinal stripe on the abdomen, thigh 3 has a dark ring on the top half instead of a spot or stripe and the shin 3 is usually not black. Similar to Leptogaster subtilis, but it has a yellow instead of a black snout and is even rarer in the Netherlands.
May-October. Length 8-13mm. Photos 21-6-2023, 23-7-2023. Elias de Bree thanks for the identification.

Bee flies (Bombyliidae)
Bee Flies have pubescent (hairy) bodies like bumble bees.

Anthrax anthrax. Genus Anthrax.  Familiy Bee flies (Bombyliidae). .. Anthrax anthrax. Genus Anthrax.  Familiy Bee flies (Bombyliidae).  Anthrax anthrax. Genus Anthrax. Familiy Bee flies (Bombyliidae). 
It's a black fly. The wings are black. Only the edges of the wings are partially transparent. On the black abdomen are white hairs.
The larvae live in nests of mason bees. At the entrance of the nest the female lays the eggs. The larvae eat the pollen and nectar supply. The eggs and larvae of the bees are also eaten by the larvae of the Anthrax anthrax.
Length: 7 - 13 mm.
Photos 17-6-2012 en 2-7-2012.    
Exoprosopa capucina. Familiy Bee flies (Bombyliidae).  Exoprosopa capucina. Familiy Bee flies (Bombyliidae).  Not in the garden but in de dunes about 4 km vfrom our house.
It has striking dark brown wings with clear spots. The body is gray-brown, and behind the head is a collar of red hairs. On the abdomen are white spots.
The larva seems a parasite of the larvae of digger wasps on caterpillars.
In the Netherlands they occur in the sandy heathland and the dunes . Length: 9-14 mm. Europe, Near East.
Photo 24-6-2015.   
Villa modesta. Familiy Bee flies (Bombyliidae). Female... Villa modesta. Familiy Bee flies (Bombyliidae). Female. Villa modesta. Familiy Bee flies (Bombyliidae). Female. Not in the garden but in de dunes about 4 km vfrom our house.
All over the world there are villa species. In the Netherlands there are two species similar to the Villa modesta. Namely Villa hottentotta and Villa longicornis. On the abdomen of the female are white bands and at the end at both sides yellowish-white hair tufts. The males don't have the white bands and the hair tufts are very white. The wings are clear. Only the front is brownish. In the Netherlands you can find them all along the coast.
The female lays her eggs in a hole in the sand, which is filled with sand, dust when she is laying the eggs. The larvae use as a host the larvae of several species of moths.
Length: 11 - 16 mm.
Photos 29-8-2013.

Villa modesta. Familiy Bee flies (Bombyliidae). Male. Male. 7-7-2014. Villa modesta. Familiy Bee flies (Bombyliidae). Male. Man 1-8-2014 in our garden.

Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae)
Thick-headed flies have long antennae, a long snout and a curved body. Thick-headed flies because of the thick (inflated) head
Conopid flies deposit eggs on the abdomen especially of wasps, bees and bumblebees. This happens in flight. The larvae are internal parasites or endoparasites. The larvae develops inside the abdomen. The development is completed within 10 - 12 days, when the host is killed.

To determine the Conopid flies you can use "de veldtabel van John Smit" blaaskopvliegen van Nederland en België
The explanation is in Dutch with many photos. Only about the Conopid flies in the Netherlands anh Belgium. 

Conops quadrifasciatus. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae)... Conops quadrifasciatus. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae)... Conops quadrifasciatus. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae)... Conops quadrifasciatus. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae). Conops quadrifasciatus. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae).
There are some similar species. Conops quadrifasciatus has orange, yellow legs.
Their larvae are endoparasites of bumble bees of the genus Bombus.
Length: 9 - 16 mm. Photos: 16-08-2009. Photos couple: 16-08-2011. The same day, not the same year. German: Vierstreifige Dickkopffliege.     
Physocephala rufipes.. Physocephala rufipes. Physocephala rufipes. Physocephala rufipes Physocephala rufipes. Family Thick-headed flies. Conopid flies (Conopidae).
Physocephala rufipes has a small, long second segment. The other segments are broader and shorter.  Under the antennae is a black stripe. Other species in the Nettherlands are: Physocephala nigra (rare), Physocephala chrysorhhoea, Physocephala vittata. 
The larvae are endoparasites of Sphecidae, bees, bumble bees and social wasps.
Length: 9 - 13 mm.    
Leopoldius maybe Leopoldius signatus. Rare in the Netherlands!! Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae) Leopoldius. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae)
There are four species in the Netherlands. Namely Leopoldius brevirostris, Leopoldius coronatus, Leopoldius signatus and Leopoldius valvatus. They are all rare. 
At the moment I took this picture, it was gloomy weather. After the photo the fly was disappeared. To be able to identify this fly I needed a photo of the front.  Photo 20-9-2011.
Leopoldius brevirostris. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae). Female.. Leopoldius brevirostris. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae). Female  Leopoldius brevirostris. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae)Female
Twelve years after photographing the Leopoldius in 2011 I saw another one in the garden. Bad weather again. Fortunately, I was now able to photograph it from several sides before it flew away. And Elias de Bree was able to identify it to the species. Photos 21-7-2023.
Sicus ferrugineus.. Sicus ferrugineus. Sicus ferrugineus. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae).. Sicus ferrugineus. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae). Sicus ferrugineus. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae).
A reddish brown Conopid fly. 
The larvae are endoparasites of bumblebeesof the genus Bombus. May - September. Europe. Photos 27-6-2010, 9-7-2013.
German: Gemeine Breitstirnblasenkopfliege.     
The different species Myopa are very similar. Striking is the large, white face (below the eyes). 
Myopa buccata. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae).
.. Myopa buccata. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae).. Myopa buccata. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae). Myopa buccata. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae).
A very colourful brown black beak with a striking white head. The wings have an extensive spots pattern, where there is always a white spot on cross vein R-M. All thighs with a black ring on the middle.

On these photos they are sitting in a currant bush, which is often visited by the hosts of their larvae (bees, wasps, bumblebees). Photos 12-4-2012, 14-4-2012.        
Myopa testacea. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae)... Myopa testacea. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae). Myopa testacea. Family Thick-headed flies, Conopid flies (Conopidae).
A dark brown Myopa with just a clear spot in the wing cross vein RM. Sometimes there is to distinguish vague darkening in the top of the wing, but these are never clear spots. Thorax to the scutellum completely black. Because of the spot on the wing it is not to be confused with other Myopas. Length 6 - 11 mm. April - July.
Text taken from "Waarneming" (translated). John Smit thanks for identify. Photos 30-4-2013.     

Long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae)
The flies are slender with long slender legs. The colour varies, but they usually have a shiny metallic color. The size of flies in this family is from 1 mm to 9 mm. The arista  is upright on the end of the antenna. Both the fly and larvae are mainly predators. (invertebrates, larvae) Especially in a humid environment.

Argyra diaphana. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae)... Argyra diaphana. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).. Argyra diaphana. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae). Argyra diaphana. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).
Very light abdomen. The thorax is shiny green. There are some similar species. Thanks Marc Pollet for the identification. Photos 26-6-2013.    
Chrysotus neglectus. male. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae)... Chrysotus neglectus. male. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae). Chrysotus neglectus. male. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).
Very small shiny golden flies. In the Netherlands 16 species. The name of the species  was first not possible. But... expert Marc Pollet identified it as
Chrysotus neglectus. Photos 4-6-2012. 
Dolichopus spec. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).. Dolichopus spec. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae) Dolichopus spec. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae.
I don't know the species. The fly is beautifully shiny metallic green. The eyes are shiny too. The legs are long and slender.  Photos 14-5-2011 en 24-4-2011.
Dolichopus ungulatus. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).. Dolichopus ungulatus. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae) Dolichopus ungulatus. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).
A larger species, which I found
on the window frame in the pantry. Metallic green with light legs.    
Sciapus  Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).. Sciapus  Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae) Sciapus.  Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).
John Carr: A species of Sciapus, the only genus of Dolichopodidae in your area with forked M vein.
Niels-Jan: Probably it will be Sciapus platypterus, but a female is not possible from a photograph. Males have white on the middle tarsi.
Photos 2-6-2011.  Small, on the wall.
Sciapus platypterus. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae)... Sciapus platypterus. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae). Sciapus platypterus. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).
A slim fly easily recognizable by the white tarsi of the middle leg. In my garden it usually walks on its long legs in the shade. Photos 12-6-2012.
Neurigona quadrifasciata. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae)... Neurigona quadrifasciata. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae). Neurigona quadrifasciata. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).
A slender fly with long legs. The abdomen is yellow with dark spots at the top.
Often on tree trunks. Europe.
Length 3.5 - 5 mm. Photos 29-5-2013,     
Scellus notatus. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae)... Scellus notatus. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae). Scellus notatus. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae). Photos 5-7-2017.    
Xanthochlorus galbanus.. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).  Xanthochlorus galbanus. male. Family long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae).
Very small. In the Netherlands four similar species (Xanthochlorus galbanus, Xanthochlorus silaceus, Xanthochlorus tenellus, Xanthochlorus ornatus)  Ik thought Xanthochlorus tenellus or maybe Xanthochlorus ornatus. Xanthochlorus tenellus is completely yellow with sometimes a dark, greenish part on the thorax. 2.5-3.5 mm. Xanthochlorus ornatus is also yellow, but with a darkened, greenish, bronze or greyish thorax and scutellum. 2.75-3.0 mm. But... expert Marc Pollet identified it as Xanthochlorus galbanus in November 2021. Thanks Marc. Photo 12-7-2018.
Here much more information:   The British species of Xanthochlorus Loew, 1857 (Diptera, Dolichopodidae), with description of two new species   

Dance Flies, Balloon Flies, Dagger Flies or Empids  (Empididae)
Dance flies are predatory flies. On the photo you can see the long snout. Dance fly, because the males dance for the females. They also offer the females a prey. There are many small species.
I've photos of the genus Empis, Rhamphomyia en Hilara. Differences are: The fork in the wing veins in the wing tip of wing of the Hilara is long. In the wing of the Empis it is short-triangular and it lacks in the wing of the Rhamphomyia.
They don't stabbing people.

Empis tessellata. Family Empididae. Female.. Empis tessellata. Family Empididae. Female. Empis tessellata. Family Empididae. Male Empis tessellata. Family Empididae.
You can see them also on flowers. The lower part of the legs is red brown. The beginning of the wings is orange brown. Length 9 - 11 mm. 
May - August. Europe, North Africa, Asia. Photos 22-5-2013.
German: Gewürfelte Tanzfliege.    
Empis trigramm Family Empididae.    Empis trigramma.  Family Empididae.
Thorax with three broad dark stripes. Yellowish sides. Golden yellow abdomen with a dark center stripe. Length 4.5-6mm. April-June.  Photo 14-5-2023.
Empis livida. Family Empididae. female.. Empis livida. Family Empididae. male Empis livida. Family Empididae.
A male. The legs are brown. Length 7 - 10 mm. April - July.  Photo 19-6-2011, 26-6-2012.
Empis opaca. Family Empididae... Empis opaca. Family Empididae. Empis opaca. Family Empididae.
A gray-black fly with orange legs and shiny black "saddle" spots on the abdomen segments.
Length 6,5 - 9 mm. Photos 8-5-2013.
Rhamphomyia spec.  Family Empididae... Rhamphomyia spec.  Family Empididae. Rhamphomyia spec.  Family Empididae. Photos 4-5-2013.      
Hilara spec. Family Empididae. Male.. Hilara spec. Family Empididae. Male 

Hilara spec. Family Empididae.
This is a much smaller species. About 3 - 4 mm. 
The males have swollen tarsi, which contains silk glands. These silk glands is used to wrap up prey during courtship.
Photos 14-5-2010, 27-4-2013, 9-5-2013.

Hilara spec. Family Empididae. Female Hilara spec. Family Empididae. Female  Female. Without the swollen tarsi of the male.   

Family: Small flies. Mostly grey - black. The larvae live in decaying organic matter.

Larva Fannia spec. Family Fanniidae. Larva Fannia, photo 16-2-2018.      
Fannia spec. Family Fanniidae. Male. Fannia spec. Family Fanniidae. Female Fannia spec. Family Fanniidae.
There were several of these flies as well males as females. Length about 4 mm, shiny black. There are many similar flies of the family Faniidae. It isn't possible to determine these flies from a photo. Photos 24-5-2013.
Lesser housefly (Fannia canicularis). Family Fanniidae... Lesser housefly (Fannia canicularis). Family Fanniidae.. Lesser housefly (Fannia canicularis). Family Fanniidae. Lesser housefly (Fannia canicularis). Family Fanniidae. Photos 12-11-2012. Length 4 - 6 mm.    
Fannia lustrator. Male. Family Fanniidae.. Fannia lustrator. Male. Family Fanniidae.. Fannia lustrator. Female.  Family Fanniidae.   Fannia lustrator.  Family Fanniidae. Photos 17-4-2009. Characteristic to the Fannia lustrator are the orange legs. Photo 1 and 2 male. Photo 3 female. Photos 17-4-2009, 13-5-2022.  
Fannia manicata. Family Fanniidae... Fannia manicata. Family Fanniidae. The tuft of hairs on the underside of the front shin is an important characteristic of the Fannia manicata. . Fannia manicata. Family Fanniidae. Fannia manicata. Family Fanniidae.
The tuft of hairs on the underside of the front shin is an important characteristic of the Fannia manicata. Photos 20-4-2012.    
Fannia mollissima. Family Fanniidae... Fannia mollissima. Family Fanniidae. Fannia mollissima. Family Fanniidae. Photos 6-5-2010. A small, dark fly. About 5 mm.   

The larvae often live in decaying organic material, fungi (genus Suillia).

Suillia spec. Family Heleomyzidae... Suillia spec. Family Heleomyzidae. Suillia spec. Family Heleomyzidae.
Notable are the ‘spines’ on the wing edge. Suillia species are oft in the neighbourhood of mushrooms. Therefore you can find them mainly in autumn.
Photos 25-10-2012.    
Suillia spec. Family Heleomyzidae... Suillia spec. Family Heleomyzidae. Suillia spec. Family Heleomyzidae.
Suillia similis has on the wings three dark spots and darkened cross veins. But there are more species with these marks like Suillia flava and Suillia ustulata. Photos 29-9-2014.
Suillia variegata. Family Heleomyzidae... Suillia variegata. Family Heleomyzidae.. Suillia variegata. Family Heleomyzidae. Suillia variegata. Family Heleomyzidae.
Suillia affinis resembles this fly. The wings of Suillia variegata have darker patches. There's a small pale area on the tip after a darker patch.  Photos 17-10-2011.
Tephrochlamys rufiventris. Family Heleomyzidae.   Tephrochlamys rufiventris. Family Heleomyzidae.
The larva can be found in waste, manure hope. That's why you find the fly oft in the neighbourhood of farms. There are even a few species of this family in the pool area. 
I have photographed this species December 25. This fly must be able to handle the cold. There are flies similar to Tephrochlamys rufiventris. But they are not so late or early in the year. Photo 25-12-2008.


Megamerina dolium.  Family Megamerinidae... Megamerina dolium.  Family Megamerinidae. Megamerina dolium. Family Megamerinidae.
Megamerina dolium is Europe's only species of the family. They are slim, dark and shiny. The legs are orange. I thought at first that it was a wasp when I saw it in the garden.
Size 6 - 9 mm. The larvae are predators. They live under the bark of dead trees.
Photos 16-8-2011, 2-7-2014.    

Big-Headed Flies
There are both small and large flies in this family. 3.5-11.5mm. Usually they are  hairless dark flies with very large eyes. The larvae are parasites of cicadas. The cicadas don't survive, because it is finally completely eaten. Then the larvae pupate in the soil. They are related to hover flies.

Big-Headed Fly. Family Big-Headed Flies (Pipunculidae)... Big-Headed Fly. Family Big-Headed Flies (Pipunculidae).. Big-Headed Fly. Family Big-Headed Flies (Pipunculidae).. Big-Headed Fly. Family Big-Headed Flies (Pipunculidae). Big-Headed Fly. Family Big-Headed Flies (Pipunculidae).
The species can not be determined from these photos. It's a small fly with big eyes. About 4 - 5 mm. Photos 27-6-2015, 30-6-2015, 17-6-2011.  

Rust flies (Psilidae)

Carrot fly.  Psila merdaria or Psila fimetaria. The difference is not visible on these photos. Family Rust flies (Psilidae)... Carrot fly.  Psila merdaria or Psila fimetaria. The difference is not visible on these photos. Family Rust flies (Psilidae).. Carrot fly.  Psila merdaria or Psila fimetaria. The difference is not visible on these photos. Family Rust flies (Psilidae). Carrot fly.  Psila merdaria or Psila fimetaria. The difference is not visible on these photos. Family Rust flies (Psilidae).
A striking orange fly.
  It has few brushes and clear wings. The length of this fly was about one cm. The larvae of the carrot flies are fytofaag (plant eating). They live in the roots, bulbs and non-woody stems. Photos 24-5-2009.    
Chamaepsila spec. Family Rust flies (Psilidae)... Chamaepsila spec. Family Rust flies (Psilidae). Chamaepsila spec. Family Rust flies (Psilidae).
A shiny dark fly with an orange front of the head. The legs are yellow-orange. Well known is the carrot fly Chamaepsila rosae, whose larvae damage in carrots, but also celery, parsley, leeks, onions. However in the Netherlands there are more similar Chamaepsila species.
Length about 4 - 5 mm. Photos 5-5-2014.    
Chyliza annulipes. Family Rust flies (Psilidae). .. Chyliza annulipes. Family Rust flies (Psilidae).   Chyliza annulipes. Family Rust flies (Psilidae). 
A black fly withe orange legs, antennae and front of the head. The wings are dark at the end. the and of the scutellum is brown. Femora very obviously ringed with black before the tip. About 7 mm. Photo 30-4-2017.   
Chyliza leptogaster. Family Rust flies (Psilidae). .. Chyliza leptogaster. Family Rust flies (Psilidae). . Chyliza leptogaster. Family Rust flies (Psilidae).  Chyliza leptogaster. Family Rust flies (Psilidae). 
A black fly withe orange legs, antennae and front of the head. The wings are dark at the end. the and of the scutellum is brown.  About 7 mm. Photos 21-6-2016.

Snipe flies (Rhagionidae)
Snipe flies are small- or large-sized flies. They have slender bodies, long legs and long wings. 

Small Fleck-winged Snipe Fly, Rhagio lineola. Female. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae). .. Small Fleck-winged Snipe Fly, Rhagio lineola. Female. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae). . Small Fleck-winged Snipe Fly, Rhagio lineola. Male. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae).  Small Fleck-winged Snipe Fly, Rhagio lineola. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae). 
About 8 mm.  Photos 10-7-2010, 17-7-2014.
Downlooker snipefly ( Rhagio scolopaceus). Female. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae)... Downlooker snipefly (Rhagio scolopaceus). Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae).  Downlooker snipefly ( Rhagio scolopaceus). Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae).  Female and male.     
Rhagio tringarius Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae) female.. Rhagio tringarius Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae) female Rhagio tringarius. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae). Female.
A yellow-brown fly. The thorax is slightly darker yellow with brown stripes in length. On the abdomen are dark spots. The male is slimmer, the tip of the abdomen of the male is dark.
The larvae feed on larvae of other species and li
ve in the damp soil. The adult fly seems to catch other flies.
Length 8 to 14 mm.      
Chrysopilus cristatus. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae). Female... Chrysopilus cristatus. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae). Female. Female. Chrysopilus cristatus. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae). Male. Male.  Chrysopilus cristatus. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae).  
Female: The abdomen is golden coloured. On the thorax you see two grey dusted stripes. 
Male (left): It is slimmer and darker with unclear or no stripes. It looks like the in the Netherlands much rarer C. splendidus. Length 6-8 mm. Europe. Photos 6-6-2011, 2-7-2012.
Chrysopilus asiliformis. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae). Female.  .. Chrysopilus asiliformis. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae). Female.   Female. Chrysopilus asiliformis. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae). Male.   Male.  Chrysopilus asiliformis. Family snipe flies (Rhagionidae).   
Head, thorax and abdomen are grey dusted. Green eyes. Brownish-yellow thighs. Length 6-9 mm. Photos 26-6-2014, 26-6-2016.   

It also has the stiff hairs like the Tachinidae. The antennae are smaller. In the Netherlands there are 7 species. The larvae are parasitoids of woodlice. Parasitoids like the larvae of the Tachinidae. More information about Rhinophoridae. 
In the Netherlands the family
Rhinophoridae consists of six genera. The genus Stevenia consists of two species. The other genera consist of one species.

Melanophora roralis. Female. Family Rhinophoridae... Melanophora roralis. Male. Family Rhinophoridae.. Melanophora roralis Family Rhinophoridae Melanophora roralis. Family Rhinophoridae.
It has dark wings with clear veins. The females have white wing tips. About 5 mm. Ph
oto 17-6-2011, 17-6-2013, 15-5-2014.
Rhinophora lepida. Family Rhinophoridae... Rhinophora lepida. Family Rhinophoridae. Rhinophora lepida. Family Rhinophoridae.
A small, shiny dark fly.
I see these flies in June and July on many flowers in the garden.
In the first two pictures it is on Yarrow. Photos 12-6-2011.     
Paykullia maculata. Family Rhinophoridae... Paykullia maculata. Family Rhinophoridae. Paykullia maculata. Family Rhinophoridae.
A shiny black fly.
The wings are partly dark.  Photos 7-10-2013.    
Phyto melanocephala. Family Rhinophoridae... Phyto melanocephala. Family Rhinophoridae. Phyto melanocephala. Family Rhinophoridae. Photos 24-11-2011. Very, very late for this fly.    
Stevenia umbratica. Family Rhinophoridae... Stevenia umbratica. Family Rhinophoridae. Stevenia umbratica. Family Rhinophoridae. Probably for it is very similar to Stevenia atramentaria. Photos 22-7-2012.     

Dung-flies, Scathophagidae
The size varies. 3 to 12 mm. The body and legs often have many brushes and hairs. The larvae live in  rotting organic wastes such as manure. But there are also larvae, which are miners.

Scathophaga spec. Family Dungflies (Scathophagidae).. Scathophaga spec. Family Dungflies (Scathophagidae). Scathophaga spec. Family Dungflies (Scathophagidae) Other Scathophaga Scathophaga spec. Family Dungflies (Scathophagidae) Scathophaga spec. Family Dungflies (Scathophagidae).
Scathophaga with light coloured antennae are difficult to determine.
The Scathophaga furcata have a light coloured antenna, but  species like Scathophaga lutaria and for example S. Suilla. have also light antennae.
They catch other flies... often on mammal faeces.
Photos 16-10-2011   
Dungfly (Scathophaga stercoraria)  Family Dungflies (Scathophagidae).. Dungfly (Scathophaga stercoraria)  Family Dungflies (Scathophagidae). Dungfly (Scathophaga stercoraria)  Family Dungflies (Scathophagidae). Dungfly (Scathophaga stercoraria)  Family Dungflies (Scathophagidae) Dungfly (Scathophaga stercoraria)  Family Dungflies (Scathophagidae)  Dungfly (Scathophaga stercoraria). Family Dungflies (Scathophagidae).
Scathophaga stercoraria can be recognized by the dark antennae. A very common species. In the Netherlands only the antennae of the much rarer Scathophaga litorea are dark too. Outside the Netherlands lives the Scathophaga calida. (Both species occur on the coast).
They catch other flies, but sometimes they feed on nectar.  The females are less hairy and they're grayer.
Photos April 2009.  German: Gelbe Dungfliege, Gemeine Kotfliege  French: scatophage du fumier, mouche à merde.  
Micropselapha filiformis. Family Dungflies Scathophaga... Micropselapha filiformis. Family Dungflies Scathophaga.. Micropselapha filiformis. Family Dungflies Scathophaga. Micropselapha filiformis Family Dungflies Scathophaga.
A slender black fly with yellow red legs without spines of many family members and with a dark tarsus. The black antennae are long and have a yellowish arista. It isn't often seen in the Netherlands. About the way of life is not much known to me.
Photos 27-4-2015.    
Daffodil fly (Norellia spinipes) Family Scathophaga  Daffodil fly (Norellia spinipes). Family Dungflies Scathophaga.
The spines on the thigh are characteristic. (spinipes: thorny legged)
The female put the eggs on the leaves of the daffodil. (down near the bottom) The larva eats mainly in the part under the soil (leafminer). Therefore the outer leaves die off. The bulbs have no damage. They are often less large. Photo: 4-4-2011.   

Small to very large flies. 3 -22 mm.  Characteristics: Stripes on the thorax, red eyes and a checkerboard like pattern on the abdomen. Because of their brushes they  look like tachinidae. The larvae are parasites. Furthermore, I 've found different descriptions in books and sites. There are written about food sources such as earthworms, insect larvae, pupae, but also dead animals.

Flesh fly, Sarcophaga. Family Flesh flies, Sarcophagidae... Flesh fly, Sarcophaga. Family Flesh flies, Sarcophagidae.. Flesh fly, Sarcophaga. Family Flesh flies, Sarcophagidae... Flesh flies, Sarcophaga. Family Flesh flies, Sarcophagidae. Flesh fly, Sarcophaga. Family Flesh flies, Sarcophagidae.
Sarcophaga carnaria is one of the most common species, but there are more similar species. To difficult to determine from a photo.
The flies feed on nectar and pollen. German: Fleischfliegen  

Een jong dambordvliegje. Een jong dambordvliegje. A young Flesh fly, Sarcophaga. The wings are not ready. That will take a while. (Two hours is possible) Meanwhile it walks on the leave. On the head it has a kind of hatchet.  It uses it in the "egg" to get out. Later it disappears.   

Macronychia spec. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae... Macronychia spec. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae.. Macronychia spec. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae.  Macronychia spec. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae.
The species in The Netherlands are Macronychia agrestis, Macronychia griseola, Macronychia polyodon, Macronychia striginervis.  Photos 15-6-2015.
Metopia spec. Genus Metopia. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae... Metopia spec. Genus Metopia. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae.. Metopia spec. Genus Metopia. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae.. Metopia spec. Genus Metopia. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae.   Metopia spec. Genus Metopia. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae.
There are different species. On the forum "waarneming.nl" are 7 species for the Netherlands. (M. argentata, M. argyrocephala, M. campestris, M. grandii, M. italiana, M. staegerii, M. tshernovae) The differences are unfortunately very small.
It is a small mobile fly. In the sun, its face looks like a light. That is characteristic to all family members.
The larvae of the flies in the subfamily Miltogramminae are parasites of the food of various species of bees and wasps. Photos June  2012, 14-5-2011.

Metopia spec. Genus Metopia. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae. Metopia spec. Genus Metopia. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae. Photos 25-4-2011. An other Metopia spec. Browner. Only the lower part of the head is white. 

Miltogramma germari. Genus Miltogramma. Onderfamilie Miltogramminae van de familie Sarcophagidae... Miltogramma germari. Genus Miltogramma. Onderfamilie Miltogramminae van de familie Sarcophagidae. Miltogramma germari. Genus Metopia. Subfamily Miltogramminae. Family Sarcophagidae. Not in the garden but in the dunes 3 km from my house.
The other two species in the Netherlands are M. punctata and M. Testaceifrons. Miltogramma germari is recognizable by the light brown part on the head. The similarity with Metopia is clear. However, they have less hard bristles on the abdomen. 
They are parasites of nesting wasps like Digger Wasps (Sphecidae). Photos 12-7-2012.

It has got this name snail-killer because the larvae parasite on snails and slugs. You can find all Dutch Sciomyzidae on "Waarneming".

Marsh fly, snail-killer spec, Tetanocera spec. Family Sciomyzidae... Marsh fly, snail-killer spec, Tetanocera spec. Family Sciomyzidae.. Marsh fly, snail-killer spec, Tetanocera spec. Family Sciomyzidae.. Marsh fly, snail-killer spec, Tetanocera spec. Family Sciomyzidae.. Marsh fly, snail-killer spec, Tetanocera spec. Family Sciomyzidae.  Marsh fly, snail-killer spec, Tetanocera spec. Family Sciomyzidae.
In the Netherlands there are many very similar species of this family. Tetanocera arrogans, T. elata, T. ferruginea, T. freyi, T. fuscinervis, T. hyalipennis, T. montana, T. phyllophora, T. punctifrons, T. robusta, T. silvatica.
They sometimes look similar on the flies of the family Scathophaga. But they are less hairy.Photos 4-7-2011, 25-4-2011, 23-4-2011, 24-4-2011, 27-9-2011.
Tetanocera ferruginea. Family Sciomyzidae... Tetanocera ferruginea. Family Sciomyzidae.. Tetanocera ferruginea. Family Sciomyzidae.  Tetanocera ferruginea. Family Sciomyzidae.
Ths brown snail killer could be identified. On a rotten apple. Foto's 5-10-2012.
Coremacera marginata. Family Sciomyzidae... Coremacera marginata. Family Sciomyzidae. Coremacera marginata. Family Sciomyzidae.
A marsh fly with a greyish thorax and dark-greyish wings with many light-greyish spots.
Length 7 - 10 mm. May - October.
Dichetophora obliterata. Family Sciomyzidae... Dichetophora obliterata. Family Sciomyzidae.. Dichetophora obliterata. Family Sciomyzidae. Dichetophora obliterata. Family Sciomyzidae.
The  are yellow and red. The thorax is grey,
the wings with many light-greyish spots. Length about 7 mm.  Photos 27-8-2013.    
Elgiva solicita. Family Sciomyzidae... Elgiva solicita. Family Sciomyzidae.. Elgiva solicita. Family Sciomyzidae. Elgiva solicita. Family Sciomyzidae.
It looks like the Tentanocera. In the Netherlands, there are two species. The other species is Elgiva cucularia. Photo 12-04-2011.
Hydromya dorsalis. Family Sciomyzidae... Hydromya dorsalis. Family Sciomyzidae.. Hydromya dorsalis. Family Sciomyzidae. Hydromya dorsalis. Family Sciomyzidae.
Small and if you compare this fly with the other Sciomyzidae the gray stripes on the back are striking . Photos 24-5-2013. On the flowers of Garlic-mustard.
Sepedon sphegea. Familie Slakkendoders (Sciomyzidae)... Sepedon sphegea. Family Sciomyzidae.  Sepedon sphegea. Family Sciomyzidae. 
The head, thorax and abdomen are dark grey, blackish. De femurs are orange red. Length 8 - 11 mm. April - October. Photos 7-10-2013 (in the dunes) en 12-3-2018 (In the garden blowing a bubble).    
 Sepedon spinipes. Family Sciomyzidae...  Sepedon spinipes. Family Sciomyzidae..  Sepedon spinipes. Family Sciomyzidae. Sepedon spinipes. Family Sciomyzidae.
Spinipes because it has spines on the thighs. A much slimmer fly than the Tetanocera. Length about 8 mm. Photos 04-04-2011, 19-4-2013.
Trypetoptera punctulata. Family Sciomyzidae... Trypetoptera punctulata. Family Sciomyzidae. Trypetoptera punctulata. Family Sciomyzidae.
Because of the patterned wings is often thought that it is a peacock fly. Length 6-7 mm. May - October. Palearctic. Photos 19-6-2014.

Horse-flies, gadflies ( Tabanidae).
In our garden we almost never see a gadfly. The fly feeds on nectar and pollen. The female sticks and then sucks blood from humans and animals. It needs blood for the eggs to develop. The  larvae are aquatic, semi-aquatic or terrestrial and feed on other invertebrates such as worms, snails and other Diptera larvae, including their own species. (translated text Pjotr​​ Oosterbroek) There are about 38 species in the Netherlands. A horse-fly has no arista on the antenna. 

Twin-lobed deerfly (Chrysops relictus). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female... Twin-lobed deerfly (Chrysops relictus). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female.  Twin-lobed deerfly (Chrysops relictus). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female. Not in the garden but in the dunes abou 4 km from my house.
After having buzzed a while around my head it was looking for a place on my finger to suck blood. Some blood for some photographs of this beautiful horse fly. A good deal. 
It  has shiny blue-green eyes containing purple spots. The abdomen is yellowish brown with black bands. The wings are partially black, and can not be folded over each other. It is very similar to the Chrysops viduatus.
Often in wet heathland areas. The larvae live in decaying vegetation in humid circumstances. They eat other larvae.
Length 9 - 14  mm. May - September. Europe.  Photos 3-9-2013.
German: Goldaugenbremse.

Twin-lobed deerfly (Chrysops relictus). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female. 4-8-2014. This twin-lobed deerfly was a year later in our garden. 

Horse Fly (Haematopota). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female... Horse Fly (Haematopota). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female.. Horse Fly (Haematopota). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female. Horse Fly (Haematopota). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female.

In the Netherlands there are several similar species. Haematopota crassicornis, Common Horse Fly or Notch-horned Cleg Fly (Haematopota pluvialis), Haematopota subcylindrica, Haematopota italica. Rarer: Haematopota scutellata and Haematopota bigoti.
Already the second horse fly in the garden this year. I was stabbed twice in my arm. An hour later I saw it in the scullery. I could take a picture before it flew away. A week later I was stabled in my leg. I've taken a photo of this horse fly. This horse fly is identifiable by the zigzag lines on the brightly coloured eyes and the spotted pattern on the wings. Those wings are folded roof-shaped over the body.  The length of this horse fly was about 11 mm. Photos 9-8-2012, 18-8-2012.
Levels Yellow-horned horsefly (Hybomitra solstitialis synonym Hybomitra ciureai). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female... Levels Yellow-horned horsefly (Hybomitra solstitialis synonym Hybomitra ciureai). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female.. Levels Yellow-horned horsefly (Hybomitra solstitialis synonym Hybomitra ciureai). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female..  Levels Yellow-horned horsefly (Hybomitra solstitialis synonym Hybomitra ciureai). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female.  Levels Yellow-horned horsefly (Hybomitra solstitialis synonym Hybomitra ciureai). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female.
The abdomen is orange yellow on the side. Orange antennae. It looks like the Hybomitra muehlfeldi. Length 14-17 mm.
May - September. Europe, Asia to China, Mongolia.
Photos 26-7-2017.   
Large marsh horsefly (Tabanus autumnalis). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female... Large marsh horsefly (Tabanus autumnalis). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female.. Large marsh horsefly (Tabanus autumnalis). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female.Large marsh horsefly (Tabanus autumnalis). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female. Female.  tabanus-autumnalis-1-24-6-2016.jpg (57526 bytes) Male.  Large marsh horsefly (Tabanus autumnalis). Family Horse-flies, gadflies (Tabanidae). Female.
A large gray fly. On the abdomen are light triangular spots. But more horse-flies have triangular spots. The sharp mouth parts are visible in the left pictures.  It looks like the band-eyed brown horsefly (T. bromius) and pale giant horse-fly (T. bovinus).  Length about 20 mm. 
April - September. Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Western Asia. Photos 29-6-2012,

Stiletto flies (Therevidae)
They are mostly hairy flies.

Common stiletto fly (Thereva nobilitata). female Family Therevidae... Common stiletto fly (Thereva nobilitata). female Family Therevidae. Female. Common stiletto fly (Thereva nobilitata). Family Therevidae.
From this family, there are many small species. The Common stiletto fly is larger. But there there are similar species. It is not quite sure. The English name refers to the narrow, tapering abdomens. The dense short golden hair looks like felt. (Dutch name translated: felt fly) Between the eyes of the female are two dark spots.
Length 10 - 13 mm. May - September. Photos 30-6-2012.

Gewone viltvlieg (Thereva nobilitata) mannetje  Gewone viltvlieg (Thereva nobilitata) mannetje The male. Photos 19-6-2010.

The wings have a pattern of spots or a spot at the top of the wing. 

Seioptera vibrans Family Ulidiidae.. Seioptera vibrans . Seioptera vibrans  Seioptera vibrans. Family Ulidiidae.A shiny dark fly with a prominent spot on the wings. It looks like a Lesser dung fly. You can find the larvae in manure and decaying material. Length 5 to 6 mm. May-September. Photos 3-7-2010.  


Entomophthora cf muscae. cf: very probably but there are more species of Entomophthora. Familie Entomophthoraceae.  Entomophthora cf muscae. cf: very probably but there are more species of Entomophthora. Familie Entomophthoraceae.

With countless enemies flies don't have an easy life. This fungus is also deadly. I placed it on the fly page, because many people think that it is a special kind of fly with these white bands.
All kinds of flies can suffer from it. This is a Phaonia family house flies (Muscidae). The Dungfly (Scathophaga) you also frequently see with this fungus.
The fungus grows also inside the fly. If it reaches the brains, it affects the behavior of the fly. Shortly before its death the fly crawls to a high point. As a result, the spores can be better spread. The belly (abdomen) swells, the legs and wings are spread. Around the abdomen, you see the white bands.      

A beautiful site with much information:   The Garden Safari   Informatie about flies:  www.diptera.info
A site that explains the construction of a fly (click on atlas): Anatomical Atlas of Flies     www.diptera-in-beeld.nl: A Dutch site about flies and gnats by Jan Wind en Mariëtte Geluk.

I want to thank everyone, who has helped me (waarneming.nl) to identify. In particular, Joke van Erkelens, Robert Heemskerk, Mark van Veen, Gerard Pennards, Niels-Jan Dek and Han Endt. With the determination of Tachinidae I have had much help from Theo Zeegers and Chris Raper. 


Nederlands / Dutch                                                   




Subpage flies:  Tachinidae      Blow-flies (Calliphoridae)      House flies (Muscidae)      Soldierflies (Stratiomyidae)      Root-Maggot Flies (Anthomyiidae)       Small flies      Gnats   

Subpage wasps, bees, bumblebees: Parasitica, Ichneumonidae      Sawflies symphyta      Bumblebees      Bee hotel 

Subpage France:    Insects France


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